Montclair First United Methodist Church | Iglesia Metodista Unida | 9950 Fremont Avenue, Montclair, CA, USA
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Bienvenido a la Primera Iglesia 

de Montclair UM

Experience the presence of God in our worship services -

Experimenta la presencia de Dios en nuestros servicios de adoración

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Meet Rev. Ruben Esponda

Rev. Esponda is an incredible leader, offering spiritual guidance, compassion, and unwavering support. He brings inspiring sermons and a kind heart that deeply touches your heart, leaving a lasting impact.


Rev. Esponda comes to us from the University UMC in Redlands, Ca. 


The University Church wrote: 

     "Rev. Esponda, you have touched so many lives and have been a true blessing to our church community.

     We wish you all the best in your new journey and pray for your continued success and happiness.

     You will always hold a special place in our hearts."


Before that, he served the El Getsemani UMC in Santa Ana and the Santa Ana Parish.   He lives in Ontario. 


Your Neighborhood "Porch of Heaven"

We're glad you have dropped by.

We are a multicultural congregation living

               in God's Holy presence.

We've been in the neighborhood for a long time, 

     but we're BEGINNING again after the Pandemic

     to be a congregation for the 21st Century.

Want to help feed hungry families? Register below. 

We'll be in touch.

"Porche del Cielo"

Nos alegra que hayas pasado por aquí.

Somos una congregación multicultural que vive

                    en la santa presencia de Dios.

Llevamos mucho tiempo en el barrio.

       pero estamos COMENZANDO de nuevo

       después de la Pandemia

        ser una congregación para el siglo XXI.

Bible with hands

10 AM Worship Every Sunday
Join us in Prayer, Praise,
Study and Growth!

Adoración a las 10 a.m. domingo 
¡Únase a nosotros en oración, alabanza, estudio y crecimiento!

We gather at
9950 Fremont Ave., Montclair
for a time of inspiration and community. 
You're never alone at FUMC Montclair!

Bring your Bibles and grow deeper with God.

From Sun. May 12
are HERE...

Our Next Food Bank:
Sat. July 27 @ 12-1:30 pm 
Hablamos Español.

Food Boxes from Feeding America
are given out, first come, first serve basis.

It happens on the Last Saturday of the Month Walk-ins OK.

Food Pantry 2

BE SURE to join our CONTACT List
and get latest updates and notifications!


Food Bank Anchor

Upcoming Events

Every Sunday Morning is Easter Morning  Celebration 
Sundays @ 10 am 

Bilingual Family Style Worship Services

In-person & Caring for everyone

 Sundays @10 am


Servicios de adoración bilingües

al estilo familiar

Domingos @10 am

En persona y cuidando a todos

July: New Pastor Assigned!


      Join us on Sunday 10 am to prepare our Welcome of

        Pastor Ruben Esponda!​

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What does God have in store for us?

The Holy Spirit is moving in our congregation.  God is building a vision for Montclair First UM Church.
Is Christ our Lord speaking to you? 

Check out our new page: God's Visions for US!

What is God putting on your heart?

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Text list sign up

Be sure to sign up for all the current news and happenings!

What if EASTER... 

Easter / Pascua is always a wonderful time.

     Wouldn't it be great to be caught up in the

          Holy Spirit of God's unconditional love in

    Jesus the Christ ALL THE TIME?

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For us, EVERY Sunday is

¡Felices Pascua!


Join us for a wonderful time in God's presence with praise, song and meeting new and old friends.

NOTICE: A free gift for all in attendance!

10 am!

We are a family centered,

Neighborhood sized Congregation.

Everyone is welcomed.

We worship our Lord Jesus the Christ

in English with Spanish translation!

Why Choose Montclair FUMC?

Are you looking for a welcoming and inclusive space? Come and experience the goodness of God through a community of Believers who gather to experience the love of God and share it with others.

Join us as we grow together as disciples of Jesus Christ around the table of the Lord, truly "Heaven on Earth."  We call this place the "Porch of Heaven." 

United Methodist Church

Bible Studies & Small Groups

Weekly Prayer

Outreach & Missions

Food Pantry

Food Boxes from Feeding America are given out, first come, first serve basis.

It happens on the Last Saturday of the Month
Walk-ins OK.

Next date:
from 12-1:30 pm.
Hablamos Español.



Zumba Outdoors

Tuesdays @5:30 PM

No classes due to Holiday break! Check back for start date!

Saturday night service

Watch our Sounds of Joy  Concert with the Kids!

Meet Our Pastor & Leaders

Our church is dedicated to serving the community and spreading the love of Christ. Get to know our team who are committed to helping you grow in faith, pray with you and together, let us follow Christ as His Servants, Disciples and Friends!

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Rev. Martha Morales 

Guest Pastor for June

Rev. Morales will be bringing her spiritual  insight and wisdom to our congregation for the month of June. 


Rev. Martha is a United Methodist Deacon.


Martha most recently served at Claremont United Methodist Church as the Associate Pastor for 21 years, retiring in July 2023.


Her work included spiritual formation for children, youth and adults, as well as worship leadership.


Martha lives in Upland with her husband Alex, and they have three adult children, two wonderful grandchildren, and one more on the way this summer.


Pastor Martha is deeply concerned about the prayer life and spiritual growth of everyone at Montclair UMC and how God may be leading us into a new season of reaching out in unconditional and forgiving love.


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Zen Bogarian

Sophia Monguian

Sophia Monugian

Food Bank Team Ldr

My name is Zen! That's short for Zenith.


A few months ago, I was praying to God, simply asking God  to guide me to a place of service.


It didn't take long for my prayer to be answered!


I was led to the Montclair First UM Church  and soon became a Team member  for the Food Bank program,


My heart was filled with a great joy and I thank  God for every minute!


I was born  in Mexico and soon arrived to California when I was 1 yrs old.


I'm the 3rd oldest out of 8 siblings  and I saw how hard it was for my mom to put food on the table for all of us we were a lot of mouths to feed.


It was 18 years ago when I was baptized  and while life has thrown some serious curve balls my way, I have always had faith in Jesus.  He's been  my provider and my Lord Savior,


What a joy it is to see  my faith as a Christian continuing to grow .

Admin. Asst.

Sophia joined our staff in 2020, right in the middle of the pandemic!


She brings her heart, faith and experience to our Finances and the necessary Office Administration work every church needs.


She is dedicated to serving the community and sharing the love of Christ with others with her service and prayers.


Her greatest joy is being a nana to her grand baby K'Ano.

Benefits of Worship & Prayer

Strengthen Your Faith

Joining a community of believers and participating in corporate worship services and prayer can help you to deepen your relationship with God and strengthen your faith.

Find Inner Peace     & Joy

Studying the Bible through our daily devotions can help you to find inner peace and direction in the midst of life's challenges. It can be a source of comfort and hope in difficult times. Receive joy through the gift of the Holy Spirit. 

Connect with Others

Being a part of a church community can help you to connect with others who share your faith and values. It can be a source of support and encouragement.  Discover your gifts and join a small group.

Serve Others

We encourage you to find opportunities to serve others and make a difference in the world as a disciple of Christ. You can participate in outreach and missions programs to help those in need. You are blessed to be a blessing.

"For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them." - Matthew 18:20

Stay Connected with LaMesaMontclair

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Let's Stay Connected

Subscribe to our newsletter and stay up-to-date with the latest news, events, and activities happening at Montclair FUMC. Let's journey together in faith!

Thanks for Subscribing! Send in your prayer requests to Much love, Montclair FUMC & La Mesa "The Table" Online

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